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SOCLE > ASIC Design Service > Design Implement > Introduction to OCV

Introduction to OCV

OCV: On Chip Variation

Intrinsic variability of semiconductor process, which impact logic timing

SBOCV : Stage Best OCV

SBOCV provide logic depth and/or cell, net location these derate values, to determine how much impacted by the process variation, by specific path design

SOCV : Statistical OCV

SOCV is Gaussian distribution, the nominal delay(µ), and standard deviation(σ) Each cell delay with the highest probability by +/-3σ interval(3 sigma, up to 99.7%)

SOCV variation characterization

Variation not path based

Delay = µ + n*σ (µ: Nominal delay; σ: Standard deviation)

SOCV used LVF file (Liberty Variation Format)

SOCV consider Gaussian distribution analysis, could be closer ideal derate

OCV type in TSMC process

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